Have you hugged a tree today? Apparently I have...
Very interesting results. And my family calls me the "conservative" one...
 | You scored as Green. The Green Party believes in an America where decisions are made by the people and not by a few giant corporations. Their environmental goal is a sustainable world where nature and human society co-exist in harmony.
Green | | 95% | New Democrat | | 85% | Old School Democrat | | 85% | Libertarian | | 40% | Socially Conservative Republican | | 35% | Foreign Policy Hawk | | 15% | Pro Business Republican | | 15% |
What's Your Political Philosophy? created with QuizFarm.com |
26 days to go!
I know I have a one track mind, but with the little ticker thingy, it's hard to think about much else. Here are some random pre-wedding thoughts.
1. Rachel G. Just look at it for a second. It still doesn't look like me to me.
2. It's amazing how many people can't figure out the RSVP cards. Maybe we should have included instructions.
3. So many little details are finally coming together, from the M&Ms (thanks Nate!) to the shower (thanks Mom & Becca!) to hopefully a ceremony order (thanks in advance Dad!). Everything is so perfect... so us...
4. People I haven't seen in years are flying cross-country to come to our wedding. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I'm lucky to have such amazing friends and family.
5. There's something very comforting in knowing that after all the ceremony and gifts and partying, what will be left is me and Steve, pretty much exactly like we've been for the past four years.
With one month to go...
After watching the Panic! at the Disco video again I suddenly had a revelation. I should have had a circus themed wedding. Creepy circus themed... It may be too late to get the guys on stilts, but everyone could still help out by drawing eyeballs on your eyelids. What do you say kids?
I'll win out one day...
Steve's taste in music is better than mine. Coming from someone who when I first met him claimed he didn't even like music, any music, this has been a little hard for me to accept. He always hears the songs first, he likes the songs first, and then two weeks later I realize I love them too. On the other hand, I pick songs that I like the first time I hear them, then realize two weeks later I really don't like them that much. A couple of years ago I was sure that Franz Ferdinand was far better than The Killers. We bought both CDs on the same day. By day 3 I never wanted to hear Franz again, but The Killers had grown on me.
Now, Steve discovered yet another band I love before me. To add insult to injurty, they are from Las Vegas, which is also kind of true of The Killers. In any case, I'm coming to terms with the fact that he is probably just cooler than me all around. But as long as he loves a dork like me, and he keeps finding great music, I guess it's something I can live with.
Watching some parents lately has really disturbed me. This weekend while we were at the pool with Bryan and Colleen, we saw a boy (probably about 10 or 11 years old) with a beach towel bearing the image of a topless woman. He was showing it to a larger group of about 12 boys, all in the 8-14 age range, and they were all giggling about it.
I thought to myself, "Man, that kid's parents would be so upset if they knew he had that." But then I saw him walk over to a woman, presumably his mother, who wrapped him up in the towel, leaving the topless woman's umm... assets (?) exposed on his back.
This experience left me with two contradictory feelings. The first was, "I never want kids! They'll be growing up with kids like these..." The second was, "I have to have kids. Otherwise our world will be run by porno-towel kids."
Although Steve and I both agree that kids are a far-off prospect (like picking a retirement home or choosing an arthritis medicine) I can't help but worry what kind of world they will grow up in. Will my kids learn that a woman is only worth her cup size? Will they learn to hate people of other religions, races, socio-economic statuses or lifestyles? Will they believe that as Americans they are superior and deserve to consume far more than their share of the world's food, water and energy resources?
The responsibility that comes with helping a child become a thoughtful, honest, interested and caring individual seems quite overwhelming at the moment. I have an infinite amount of respect and admiration for parents that work towards this goal every hour of every day. Parents who get their kids beach towels with stripes or fish or flowers.
Cold feet and other nonsense...
I have to say that even though I've never doubted marrying Steve, there was a point during this week where I thought to myself, "I'm going to be a wife? I can't be a wife!" I think it's because the word "wife" conjures up images of wearing an apron and getting excited about washing machines and making meatloaf. I definitely can't be that person. I know that Steve knows I'm not that person and hopefully that's part of why he likes me. And all of my life I've been surrounded by strong women who didn't fit that mold, so I don't know why it's creeping into my brain. Of course they did make the occasional meatloaf...
Anyway, I guess it's silly to be scared of other people's expectations. The only expectations we really have to live up to are each other's. Still, the idea of being called Mrs. G. makes me a little panicky.
In other news, school still sucks my big toe. I am so, so happy that in 5 short weeks I will never have to do homework again. Unless I want to go to grad school, but I think the rewards would have to be crazy awesome to convince me to do that. It's just too much grief for not enough good.