Cold feet and other nonsense...
I have to say that even though I've never doubted marrying Steve, there was a point during this week where I thought to myself, "I'm going to be a wife? I can't be a wife!" I think it's because the word "wife" conjures up images of wearing an apron and getting excited about washing machines and making meatloaf. I definitely can't be that person. I know that Steve knows I'm not that person and hopefully that's part of why he likes me. And all of my life I've been surrounded by strong women who didn't fit that mold, so I don't know why it's creeping into my brain. Of course they did make the occasional meatloaf...Anyway, I guess it's silly to be scared of other people's expectations. The only expectations we really have to live up to are each other's. Still, the idea of being called Mrs. G. makes me a little panicky.
In other news, school still sucks my big toe. I am so, so happy that in 5 short weeks I will never have to do homework again. Unless I want to go to grad school, but I think the rewards would have to be crazy awesome to convince me to do that. It's just too much grief for not enough good.
4 comment(s):
If the word "wife" scares you, maybe your Dad can pronounce "life partners" or " spouse and spouse." You are the perfect woman for Steve, and he's lucky to have found you. Besides, Steve, don't you hate meat loaf?
Anonymous, at
12:48 PM
Now's a fine time to be thinking about what you're getting yourself into :-) I suppose that this isn't the kind of thing that a daughter wants to hear, but if you can emulate your mother you will be the finest woman and wife alive! As for Kim's suggestion, how about I pronounce both of you "human beings"?
Anonymous, at
12:55 PM
Life partners conjures up the image of a civil union between a same sex couple, although, Steve does enjoy "chick flicks"
Unknown, at
1:59 PM
I hope that it was decided that I was a human being a long time ago, but thanks for the vote of confidence. Just as long as no one expects me to miraculously change into someone more wife-y, I think I'll be fine.
Rachel, at
2:10 PM
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