Ode to Steve
Kind of like a Valentine's Day post, just late...Things Steve does that I'm pretty sure other guys wouldn't:
1. Goes out in the freezing cold to buy me ice cream from the gas station.
2. Lets me play his Madden football game when he's up by 70 points.
3. Tries the Pilates moves that I can't do to see if they really are humanly impossible.
4. Listens to me complain about how hard it is to balance school and work even though he's doing the exact same thing.
5. Goes to New Jersey Pizza even if he's more in the mood for Dara Thai.
6. Watches Mean Girls every time it's on The Movie Channel because I just can't seem to get enough of it.
7. Doesn't get upset when I only want to listen to three out of the 600ish songs on our ipod.
8. Agrees to shower first on the mornings when I'm really tired.
9. Really enjoys helping with all things wedding, or is an amazing actor.
10. Doesn't even flinch when my dad calls him Stevie.
11. Goes shopping with me.
12. Goes to chick flicks extremely willingly.
13. Humors me when I say, "No really, we are going to PRSSA this week."
14. Calls me at work to tell me exactly where he parked the car so I won't have to wander around looking for it.
15. Never shuns me or pretends he doesn't know what I'm talking about when I make a Laguna Beach reference in public.
16. Always sorts if I deep clean.
There are a lot more, but I don't want give him some kind of superiority complex, so I'll stop here.
6 comment(s):
Your dad called me Stevie?
Steve, at
5:14 PM
yah, i've never heard that name before.... wow dejo, you really have this girl fooled. rachel, i would do this stuff for you too... leave him and be with me... oh, wait, thats right... wait, you haven't begun to look like dermott mulroney lately have you. thats your only chance. haha. i'm glad we go to try cakes together and stuff. that peanut butter was absolutely fantastic! haha. miss you love you mean it.
Anonymous, at
11:27 PM
I am so incredibly happy for both of you!
Mark A Hanna, at
11:12 AM
Do you ever shower first?
Anonymous, at
10:35 PM
Hey! I shower first the majority of the time... Weekends in Las Vegas are the exception...
Rachel, at
4:42 PM
I knew that . . . :-)
Anonymous, at
11:08 PM
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