Moving Forward...
I tend to be a dwell-er. I dwell in the past, I dwell on things that don't work out, I dwell on issues that I have absolutely no way of changing. In some ways it's good because it means I learn from my past and my mistakes, but it also means that I put a lot of pressure on myself to try to fix things it's too late to change. I'm not sure if it's maturity and wisdom (haha) or maybe just exhaustion but this semester I am trying my best to keep looking forward.So my mantra for this semester is...
God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
the courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference.
It's amazing how four little lines can present such a challenge. At least for me, that seems impossibly hard... I think it's also the prayer AA uses at their meetings, so if I fail at my mission miserably and hit the bottle, at least I'll be prepared.
In other news, thanks to everyone who made my birthday so special! I had a full week of celebration in various places with various people, and it was mostly fabulous! I am really luck to have such amazing family and friends to share in my celebration.
Ok, I'm tired of being nice and positive so I'm going to end this here. Good night!
1 comment(s):
rachel, rachel, rachel....
even if we know we can't change stuff, we still bitch about it.... haven't you figured that out yet? it's who we are. it's what we do. haha. one of my new year's resolutions was to be nicer, or at least attempt to.... yah, that didn't work out so well... see so why try and change what we can't. can you imagine me if i was nice.... or even politically correct.... gawd! no thank you! haha.
oh and from what i saw that night at claim jumper, you are well on your way to joining AA! happy birthday! my family send their best too!
laguna was awesome.... we have to do something similar very soon. and taste cake..... definitely taste cake. love you, miss you, mean it.
nathaniel daniel
Anonymous, at
10:56 AM
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