Obsessive-Compulsive Sociopath with Gingivitis
Apparently titling a blog "Anxiety" has consequences. It seems like almost every post now receives a comment about how to relieve my anxiety with drugs, deep breathing, a handy "INSERT KEYWORD HERE" or electro-shock therapy (okay, I made the last one up). But for me, anxiety is not a problem to be fixed, it is a way of life, a part of my personality probably the result of an anxiety chromosome so big it could be seen with the naked eye. Sure sometimes it gives me heart palpitations, cold sweats and nausea, but it also got me an amazing scholarship, a pretty kick-ass GPA and some options for my future. And when I'm not obsessively planning things, I can have a pretty good time too.Or I can obsessively plan fun things! For example, who wants to go ice-blocking in the park in The Willows the night after Thanskgiving? Huh? Huh?
3 comment(s):
I wouold love to go ice blocking with you but unfortunately I will be in Phoenix sweating my ass off in the unseasonably warm weather. Have fun in Vegas!
Unknown, at
12:08 PM
I wouold love to go ice blocking with you but unfortunately I will be in Phoenix sweating my ass off in the unseasonably warm weather. Have fun in Vegas!
Unknown, at
12:08 PM
I'm there!
Anonymous, at
1:32 PM
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