Soothing colors...
This school year is going to drive me completely crazy. Since I'm taking so many classes about how to be a person, I have been analyzing myself, my leadership styles, my relationship styles, my learning styles, etc. What I have found is that I am a slightly left-brained, green circle person.I honestly don't know what that means, but if it means I have no patience for lack of organization, I'd say it's dead on. Apparently all my teacher's must be right-brained, red star people because I have no idea what's going on. There's no format. There are no due dates. E-mails about what we should be doing get to us 5 minutes before class starts. I just can't take it!
One bright spot is Sociology of Deviance. Apparently Gerald Hughes and I are the same color, shape and direction because he has everything laid out in perfect detail. Not my most interesting class, but at least I know what's expected.
Luckily my blog has soothing new "Urban Outfitters" inspired colors. Guaranteed to make even the most upsetting day a little more relaxed. Thank you Steve for all of your help!
In the meantime, to all of you Miss Lippy's in the world, get your freakin' act together. Go make an outline or something!
2 comment(s):
I wouldn't waste any of your time thinking about how to change the organizational methods of your'd have an easier time getting Steve to shower more often...ewww...hippie smell.
Unknown, at
3:59 PM
Allison you jerk. Haha. This cracked me up Rachel. Although I read it after you already poured your frustrations out to me so it wasn't a surprise.
Steve, at
6:52 PM
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