Awkward! (picture this being said in Steve's high-pitched voice)
So apparently no situation brings out the kid in you more than having your parents gone on vacation for a few weeks. Not in a magical Disney movie kind of way, but more in a loss of all adult behavior way. Scenario in a nutshell: my parents leave, set some ground rules, Becca and I disagree on the meaning of said ground-rules, I mention that fact to my mom, Becca's not happy and a fight on the scale of the great " Battle of Who Can Do The Best Underwater Handstand of 1994" ensues.While I don't remember exactly what was said, it basically amounted to:
"You're not the boss of me!"
"I'm telling!"
"You're a butthead!"
"I know you are but what am I?"
"I'm not talking to you!"
"Fine, me neither!"
So that's where it was left almost a week ago. Now there's just short bursts of polite functional conversation that occur maybe once a day. And while I love my sister, having a sister can totally suck. There is this weird competition with always wanting to be the one who's right. You can't just be different, you have to be right, because its beyond our comprehension that two completely different ways of doing things could both be seen as equally good. And, the minute that you accept your sister's choice, it must mean that you are wrong in the way that you've been living. The worst part is that even though I can see exactly what is going on, that still doesn't make me want to be right any less.
If this were anyone else, it wouldn't even be an issue. I can accept other people's different lifestyles or choices mostly because when it comes down to it, I'll never care about them as much as I care about Becca. I want her acceptance and her approval because she means so much to me, and being the arrogant person I am, I'll assume she reciprocates. I criticize her different decisions because I want the best for her, and since I'm so happy with the life I've chosen, its only natural that I'd want to steer her in my direction.
If we do ever talk again, I'll try to remember that I don't always have to be right, and even when I am, it doesn't mean that she's wrong. However, most likely the end of our fight won't be that profound. Eventually she'll need to borrow some clothes...
2 comment(s):
How interesting it has been to watch you and Rebecca learn how to live with each other. It's one of those processes that's assumed to be a given but is not. Someday you will be confronted with the equally difficult challenge of parenthood and accepting that there are so many things that your children must work out for themselves. It was a relief to return home and find both of you still alive.
Mark A Hanna, at
12:27 PM
Nu-uh! I was right and my lifestyle is better! I love you
Anonymous, at
8:50 PM
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