An Eventful Night and a Traumatizing Morning
Our hamster, Smokey, is very bad. She's adorable, but she is just always in trouble. (For those of you that have never had a hamster and think I'm losing my mind by reading this much into it, you will need a side-by-side comparison to Becca's clean, neat hamster, Lucy.) Anyway, over the weekend she somehow managed to get out of her cage, and got trapped between the cage and the wall. When we all got back, there was a hole the size of a saucer in our wall. We should have realized then that something had to be done to keep her where she belonged, but we assumed it was a fluke and plopped her back in.At 3 a.m. last night, we got a knock on our bedroom door. Our roommates told us that Smokey had escaped again and they couldn't find her anywhere. We got out flashlights and searched ever nook and cranny of our room before as I sat in the hallway I saw her little pink nose poke out from under the refrigerator. We all sat around the base and put out a big plate of hamster food, peanut butter, and bran flakes hoping she would be lured out. But she seemed happy crunching away on whatever crumbs were underneat the refrigerator. After what seemed like an eternity, she finally cautiously snuck out to snack and Steve, with some difficulty, finally grabbed her. We put her back in her aquarium, took away her house, and put a pizza box on top for extra security.
As we wandered sleepily back to bed, we noticed that Steve's pillows had smears of blood, and he noticed a smudge of it on his face. Apparently he had gotten a nose bleed during the night and so he waited up a little bit to make sure it was over before we changed the pillowcase and tried to go to sleep. At that point, there had been too much activity to make going to sleep easy, but we both had an early morning and had to get some rest. We slept in until about 15 minutes before we had to leave for class, both groggy and cold.
When I got to work, I started to perk up a little bit. I created my flyer for this week, wrote some emails, and chatted with Steve on AIM. Then he broke the bad news...
WhatUpJack13: uh.oh
WhatUpJack13: did you read it?
jackrach06: noooooooooooooooooooooo!
WhatUpJack13: im sorry
jackrach06: dammit
jackrach06: its ok
jackrach06: its only fair that they get some time with their families
WhatUpJack13: yeah
jackrach06: but bummer
jackrach06: they were getting so good
So to Mark, Tom & Travis if you're reading, I understand. I'm not happy, but I understand.
1 comment(s):
Don't forget the absence of any control of bodily functions...I know she is a hamster but she'll go anywhere and on anything. See her crusty wheel for example.
Steve, at
11:38 AM
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