For Kim at 3 a.m.
I know the frustration of being online and really hoping that someone you know has something new or interesting up on their website. Every day at work, I go through the fairly short process of checking through people's websites to see if they've changed. Sometimes, I'll do this two or three times during the course of a shift, and most times I come up empty-handed. I think that most people have the misconception that their own lives are not that interesting. Unless they have a fabulous story about running into Brad Pitt in Mexico or living with a rarely seen tribe of indigenous people deep within the heart of the Amazon, they figure whatever happened really isn't worth posting. But I know I'm excited when people post about some kind of weird fruit they found at the grocery store or some good movie they saw. So, without further ado, this has been my day:I woke up at 6:10 a.m. I was not happy. Steve had to be at work by 7:30 and I had class at 8:00, so things were a little hectic. Fortunately there was just a little frost on the windshield so I managed to see most of the road without scraping it. I think it was too cold to frost. Anyway, I dropped Steve off and went to my PR Design class where we copied a project the teacher had done in InDesign. Luckily, the server crashed and we got out 15 minutes early. After that, I met Steve for breakfast and we went to Barnes & Noble to read magazines and warm up. Around 11:00 I headed to PR Campaigns. Today we interviewed the volunteer recruitment director for the Arizona Make-A-Wish foundation. Our project this semester is to work on a campaign to increase awareness of Make-A-Wish in Northern Arizona. I love the class so far, and it has made me feel very comfortable with my choice in majors. Its amazing to see people making such a difference! After that, I headed in to work where I have been for the past 3 1/2 hours. I have written two papers for my sociology class and also updated the general events website. Not too bad for a day's work! Ok, I think that's it. Hopefully it wasn't too boring!
1 comment(s):
I never thanked you for this. Or maybe I missed it initially and found it 17 years later.
Anonymous, at
7:15 AM
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