Writers Block
So right now I am supposed to be writing my first press release as "account coordinator" for impress, but I can't get a single sentence down onto the paper. Not even a title! I have all of the information here, and I know exactly which order it needs to go in and what format it needs to be in, but I can't quite get that information from my brain into any sort of usable format.My PR writing teacher suggested that if you're experienceing writer's block, the best thing to do is write about nothing for a little while to get you started. And since this is my primary place to write about nothing, you all get to reap the benefits of my desperate struggle to overcome my problem.
Being in Las Vegas has been amazing. The weather has been warm and beautiful, we go swimming nearly every day, and I've gotten to see a lot of friends that I haven't been in contact with for years. I do sometimes miss our quiet life back in Flagstaff, but the change in pace has been just what I needed to (hopefully) be ready to go back for a busy final year.
So far, I like my job. The pace is also much different from what I have been used to back in Flag, but I enjoy the challenge. I'm starting to figure out the procedures, and starting to feel like I screw less things up each day. Maybe by August I'll actually have everything down cold, just in time to leave and start all over again. I wonder sometimes if I'll be prepared to have a long-term, full-time job. I guess I'll never know until I have one. Then, if I can't do it, I can become Steve's trophy wife. Then if he can't handle the 9-5, we'll have to find some rich old couple that we remind of their children who never visit. That's my plan and I'm sticking to it.
Well, I better start trying to write on this press release again now that I have my momentum going. Wish me luck!
1 comment(s):
Good Luck
Anonymous, at
2:31 PM
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