Quick random nothingness
In my 5:10 p.m. class, I had a student who said he had just gotten up...I'm taking "The Art of Relationships" and "Optimal Living" so by the end of the semester I should be really good at being a person...
Odwalla bars are good and incredibly disgusting at the same time...
Pizookie is a much better stress reliever than yoga...
Pepper is probably not the best band for incoming freshmen to see with their parents...
Neither is OPM...
One of my teachers told us that in the Western world, we're obsessed with corners...
2 comment(s):
And if you're looking for a slightly cheaper stress reliever than pizookie, go to Safeway and get Ben and Jerry's Marsha Marsha Mellow. It's really yummy!
Anonymous, at
7:47 AM
I'll definitely remember that. Cheaper and no hour-long waits to get a table!
Rachel, at
1:44 PM
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