I had a big elaborate post written, but then I decided just to keep this part:Umm... it turns out it's pretty frickin' hard in a "cried three times today, don't know where my gym shoes are, high pitched squealing in my ears, forgetting to breathe, haven't had time to go to the bathroom since 6:30 a.m." kind of way.
I'll let you use your imagination to fill in the rest.
3 comment(s):
i don't get it..... i don't get much actually.... i should get that checked out?
so wait, was stevo crying like a little girl again? haha. i think i want the full post. hit me.
miss you much. see you soon
Anonymous, at
10:37 PM
Haha! No it wasn't Steve. Steve is the sane on who watched me have my nervous breakdown for no real reason today. There were kind of some reasons (job interviews, grad paper problems, car getting booted) but mostly it was just my crazy. You need to visit. We both said you're the best person to de-stress with! Come visit!
Rachel, at
10:45 PM
Those seem like legitimate reasons to have a full blown freak out. You know what, though, I may not be the right person to comment about this because I've been known to have a few good ones myself. The most comforting words I can offer for you is I've lived through them all, and you will too.
On a lighter note, I like what you've done with the argyle!
Anonymous, at
8:14 PM
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