Remember a few years back when Christina Aguilara made the word "dirrty" seem all sexy because she was wearing chaps with nothing under them in the music video? Well, I just wanted to make clear that "dirrty" is not the dirty I am talking about. Lately Flagstaff has been seeming dirtier and dirtier. I'm not sure what the Dust Bowl was like and I'm sure it is a completely unfair comparison, but it seems like every time I walk outside lately I end up with a mouth full of sand, tree debris, and litter. Now I understand that this is what I get for using some Hoo Doo to ban snow from the area, but geez.In addition, the motels are getting run-downier, the giant crows keep relieving themselves on our car, the evergreen trees are actually brownish-gray and even the hippies are looking a little less clean. Or maybe it's just me... I decided to take the self-help route of watching several prescription drug commercials and was able to diagnose myself with Seasonal Affective Disorder (I call it SAD for short). When winter hits, I get SAD. I miss my flip-flops and brightly colored tank tops of yore. I miss getting into my car at 3 p.m. and briefly blacking out from the sweltering heat.
So, once again, for all you loyal readers... If you think Flagstaff is SO beautiful, you're welcome to come and live here but I am so gosh darn frickin' out of here.
P.S. - For those who are interested in this sort of thing our regsitry is available at: http://www.crateandbarrel.com/gr/guest/viewRegistry.aspx?grid=9736409. And for the record we will love you all the same if you get us a spatula, a $100,000 gift card or something you sculpted out of earwax.
2 comment(s):
Sweet! I do have an abundance of earwax.
Unknown, at
2:10 PM
I'll pray for a nice layer of snow to make it look all beautiful again :-)
Anonymous, at
7:07 PM
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