This is your brain on spring break...
Last night, while talking about religion or nutrition or maybe something completely unrelated, Steve, Nate and I came up with the idea of low-carb communion. We floated around a few ideas on how we could change the ingredients, but decided meat was definitely out (I mean, who wants to hear "the body of Christ" when you're biting into a piece of steak). I'm not sure if this is sacrilege of a brilliant marketing idea...Another fun discovery we made last night was that the coasters at the lounge in The West Wing at the MGM Grand have spaces provided to write down "Name," "Room #" and "Other." We weren't sure if the other was for a cell phone number or to write "short blond in red dress" so you remembered who these people were in the midst of your drunken stupor. In any case, it was very romantic...
2 comment(s):
You reminded me of a colleague in the United Methodist Church who was remembered with disdain by the elder members of the parish for having served the youth group communion consisting of pizza and Pepsi. I remain convicted of a resurrected Christ just so that he wouldn't spend eternity spinning in his grave.
Anonymous, at
2:43 PM
See, the trick is not to provide the low carb option unless parishoners want to drop a couple extra bucks in the collection basket. Then, you have two lines for communion, the fatasses who need to go Atkins for Jesus and everyone else who think that God wanted His unleavened Son to have carbs. The fatasses will remain loyal to the Church for their diet option and the other people will keep coming to laugh at people actually going low carb for communion. How Catholic was that comment?
Anonymous, at
2:52 AM
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