It seems like latey my conversations with everyone I know have been at the lowest common denominator. I end up discussing work and how it's busy but fine, which TV show was kind of funny this week, and weather in Flagstaff (with people I actually like). It's been really frustrating because I hate feeling like I'm just going through the motions with people. I'm usually really interested in what everyone is thinking and feeling, so how come I end up stuck in this rut?After some thought, I decided that it was me. Why do I expect people to open up when I give the one word answers just like the rest of them.
Them: How is work?
Me: Fine
Them: Are you liking Flagstaff?
Me: Yeah
Them: What's new?
Me: Nothing
So without furter ado, and after the longest blog introduction ever, I give you more than you ever wanted to know about my life:
We had a fairly ridiculous heating bill this month because someone (I'm guessing me) bumped the thermostat and turned the heat all the way up to 90. We were sleeping with the windows open and talking about how crazy it was that spring had made our place warm up so quickly. I'm not sure exactly how long it was like that, but it was not cool.
My boss is really cool. Maybe it just seems so dramatic because I'm comparing her to the last witch, but she is funny and she takes me seriously and it's just so much better. Last Thursday at the end of the day she showed me a South Park clip that her significant other had sent her that was totally inappropriate. It was awesome.
We really want people to visit us. We have lists of specific places that we want to show each person who could potentially come to Flagstaff. We know that it usually makes the most sense for us to visit other people, but it makes me kind of sad to watch our guest room collecting dust after we were so excited that we could finally offer people a room to stay in. (Allison, Dennis and my parents, while they are welcome to come any time, are exempt from the guilt trip because they have been here and done that.)
I'm excited to go to Montana for Kyler's graduation. Even though it will be an extremely short trip (I think we'll be there for about 52 hours total), I'm really glad that I am able to go. My extended family made it a point to be at my graduation even though they had to travel thousands of miles round trip. I feel like being there for Ky is the least I can do to show my appreciation for how supportive they were of me.
Last night I had a dream that I was on the LOST island, and the secret of "The Others" was that they were all magicians, which was apparently scary. They wanted Claire's baby to learn how to run, but that didn't make sense for a baby to run, so she was trying to teach the baby how to drive instead.
Ok, I think that's enough. Now everyone needs to give me a deep, long-winded comment about themselves...
2 comment(s):
It looks as though I'm going first again. How does one say that "you're a chip off the old block" without insulting you? Thank you for the insight. I cherish it.
Mark A Hanna, at
11:28 AM
Tonight marks the first week in a month of not going out to eat for our family. It's been brutal. I never realized how much I love Chipotle. It's pretty pathetic, actually. Not the most exciting comment, and definitely not deep, but it's on my mind at the moment since I just ate sub par tostadas. It is long-winded, though. That I can do!
Unknown, at
7:17 PM
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