Such a Bum!

I've recently become aware that in nearly every picture of me, I am either wearing pajamas or moving furniture... I don't know what this says about my life...
I'm Dreaming of a Green Christmas
Ever since Thanksgiving weekend, Christmas decorations have suddenly appeared everywhere. Radio stations already have their non-stop holiday playlists on the air. Even here at my desk I can see three poinsettia plants and some nice berry decorations. All of it has me in the mood to go to Phoenix and Las Vegas for a warm, fuzzy, family Christmas celebration. I'm not sure how that mood will mix with the hectic final project schedule, but hopefully it will all work out.
I know that a lot of people would think Flagstaff for Christmas would be the ideal: snow glistening on pine branches, a warm fire by the tree and kids having snowball fights in the street. I, however, am looking forward to a warm, sunny Christmas. I like the idea of being able to go to parks and play frisbee, wearing short sleeved-shirts and never having to (watch Steve) scrape ice off a windshield. It may not be the traditional Christmas scene, but after a while drinking cocoa and shivering gets a little mundane.
In other exciting news, I have ALL of my Christmas shopping done pending one gift that I need to get the details worked out on. Thank goodness for online shopping!
Good Things in My Life Right Now
As the semester winds down and the assignments get fewer and farther between, life has been good. For those of you still feeling the cruch of life, I thought I'd share some things that have made me happy through the rough times.
1. Red Light School District's Walk Into Doors and Good Luck Wishin'. Even though they're a local Vegas band, they've become one of my favorites. If you want to listen, go to .
2. Finding bridesmaid dresses. Maybe that doesn't make you happy, but it's a weight off my shoulders and they're pretty cute too. If you want to see them, go to and ignore the girl's scary hair.
3. Josh, Kim and Kyra visited on Saturday and we all had a lot of fun. Since Flagstaff is kind of a cold, bleak place it means a lot to us when people make the effort to come visit. And it's always fun visiting parks and eating good food that we might not usually eat twice in one day without guests. I'm not really sure how to share this one, but if you visit, you might be able to request that they visit you too...
4. Pumpkin spice candles from Target. Probably not the best quality, but it still makes your house smell like a holiday. Go to to get your own.
Things I would recommend avoiding to be a happy person:
1. Saw 2. Super-disturbing, super-bloody, but overall pretty well done, which just makes it even scarier.
2. School, unless you're Allison. For the rest of us, it's the just the bad thing that happens between Barnes & Noble coffee trips, exciting Target excursions and weekends at home.
Obsessive-Compulsive Sociopath with Gingivitis
Apparently titling a blog "Anxiety" has consequences. It seems like almost every post now receives a comment about how to relieve my anxiety with drugs, deep breathing, a handy "INSERT KEYWORD HERE" or electro-shock therapy (okay, I made the last one up). But for me, anxiety is not a problem to be fixed, it is a way of life, a part of my personality probably the result of an anxiety chromosome so big it could be seen with the naked eye. Sure sometimes it gives me heart palpitations, cold sweats and nausea, but it also got me an amazing scholarship, a pretty kick-ass GPA and some options for my future. And when I'm not obsessively planning things, I can have a pretty good time too.
Or I can obsessively plan fun things! For example, who wants to go ice-blocking in the park in The Willows the night after Thanskgiving? Huh? Huh?
I Swear I Didn't Fix This...
Cheese Pizza

Traditional and comforting.
You focus on living a quality life.
You're not easily impressed with novelty.
Yet, you easily impress others.
So I can't say that I'm a savvy enough blogger to really get the tagging thing, but from what I gathered I'm supposed to list my quirks and weird habits. Since this list could probably go on forever, I'll try to just hit the highlights.
1. I hate the sound of clean dishes. It is the worst sound in the world.
2. I like M&Ms after they've been microwaved for about 15 seconds.
3. I'm fairly sure I know what a black widow spider tastes like, but I don't know why.
4. Even though I can't say FYE has been my favorite experience ever, I'm going to miss my classes.
5. I am addicted to wedding stuff. I've read every planning magazine in Barnes & Noble and I look for cakes, bridesmaid dresses, and/or perfect first dance songs daily.
6. I get nervous when I'm more than an hour away from a major medical center.
7. If school was really about learning more than getting a career, I'd want to study quantum physics or law.
8. I know how to conjugate French articles and pronouns. Maybe by next week I'll have the verbs down...
Alright, I think that's enough to make me sound sufficiently weird. I tag Nate because I know he reads this.
Thank Goodness for Other People Taking Pictures

Steve and I and some other people in Miami courtesy of Mike!