Gainfully Employed... Again...
Since people are now being referred to my site, I figured I should quickly post something about my new job...I have a new job!
My official title is Public Affairs Specialist I for AAA Arizona. I'm going to mainly work on press releases, web site content, media archiving and serve as a back up spokesperson if no one else is availabe. So far, no pickles.
I'm approaching this one with cautious optimism. I'm excited, but I'll wait a few weeks before I drop words like ecstatic or love.
4 comment(s):
Unknown, at
3:28 PM
I second that!
Mark A Hanna, at
3:51 PM
Way to go, Rachel! Woo hoo!!
Anonymous, at
3:54 PM
yippee..... i'll say it then... i'm ecstatic for you, and i love you! i'm so happy for you.... you will succeed in anything you do in life. yay for you. psst... after you get comfortable in your new digs, set me up with a job i can't refuse...... deal?
Anonymous, at
6:56 PM
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