I'm It
1. One book that changed your life? I Am Charlotte Simmons. It at least changed the three-month period after I read it where I was completely depressed.2. One book you have read more than once? 1984. One, because it was really interesting. Two, because I think I managed to do book reports on it every year from 8th grade to senior year.
3. One book you would want on a desert island? A really big one I could use as a raft.
4. One book that made you laugh? A Prayer for Owen Meany
5. One book that made you cry? A Prayer for Owen Meany... It was a very emotion-inducing book.
6. One book you wish had been written? The great American novel by a female author.
7. One book you wish had never been written? I'm going with Steve. Ann Coulter should not get book deals.
8. One book you are currently reading? AAA Policies & Procedures... I also read Inviting Silence recently and think I should read it again. It's a very simple read, but I think the issues are too complex to get in one run.
9. One book you have been meaning to read? Angels & Demons. I'm supposed to be borrowing a copy from my Mom, but it looks like I'll have to wait a couple of weeks.
10. Now tag five people: I think my supply is tagged out
4 comment(s):
what are these things you speak of? bo-oo-oks? is this some trendy new thing you kids are doing these days? first pogs, no these bo-oo-ok thingys....
all i know is it better not be slang for some type of drug.....
i'm disgusted with you.
Anonymous, at
9:35 AM
I think Steve and I should have a race to see who can complete A Prayer For Owen Meany first because we both have good reasons for finishing it. What do you think, Steve, are you up to the challenge? I'll even start from the beginning even though I've started it about three times since it was given to me about 2 years ago. Geez, that's embarrassing.
Anonymous, at
7:29 PM
Am I getting this right? You're so busy reading great books that you no longer have time to blog? I'm impressed!
Mark A Hanna, at
1:09 PM
It's time for you to post another entry. It's not fair to leave your readers hanging. You have many things to tell, including what a wonderful time we had over Labor Day with you and Steve. (He needs to read this, too.)
Mark A Hanna, at
3:10 PM
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