Mini Blogs
A lot of thoughts to get out, and I'm too lazy to post multiple posts, so here goes...Not for the faint of heart...

This is a condition called black hairy tongue. It can happen if you don't brush your teeth or don't eat enough crunchy food. It has been haunting me every since I read about it, so I'm spreading the misery.
Something to run about...
I've never been a fan of running for the sake of running or running in a perky little group of size 2 women or running because it was the nicest day outside. The last year that I ran regularly was my junior year of high school. It was a rough year; I was breaking my church addiction, I'd lost a lot of friends, and outside of school, my life was pretty much homework and sleep. Then I started running. I'm not sure it was in a healthy way. It was more in a "Can I make the pain of running greater than the pain of life?" type deal. But it got me through. Towards the end of the year I threw myself into newspaper and started hanging out with National Honor Society officers. By senior year, I was happy and busy and conent.
Getting to my point, I've started running again. I've developed a pretty steady four mile-a-day habit. Once again I get to run off all of my frustration and occasionally, by the end of the run, things seem clearer. Although, I have to say I'm excited to settle back into Flagstsaff and to not be frustrated enough to run anymore. Then I can do yoga or pilates or kickboxing or other happy exercise again.
Flagstaff ho...
For those who have been living under a rock, Steve got the job at the Gateway and we are moving back to Flagstaff. Although I will miss one thing about Phoenix (Steve's family), I'm excited to leave the rest behind me. I miss simplicity and spontenaity and always having friends close by. It's hard to explain all the reasons why the move is so important to us, but we do know that we were happier there. Colder, but happier...
2 comment(s):
I can't believe you would do that to me twice.
Steve, at
2:49 PM
i'm seriously disturbed by this. no bueno. that means 'no good' in spanish.
Anonymous, at
7:03 PM
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